Friday, September 27, 2013

My Favorite Books of All Time

     What are my favorite books of all time? Well I love,love,love the  " Hunger Games " by Suzanne Collins. I also really like "Thirteen reasons why" By Jay Asher. I love these books because they are unique. When you open up a book you never read about kids being sacrificed in an arena t0 fight to the death, or a boy wandering around town listening to recorded tapes made by a girl who attempted suicide. The weird thing is that I never ever read science fiction except for the "Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and  Mocking jay."

     At first I thought that the " Hunger Games" series was really dumb. But I tried them anyway. I started reading them and I was hooked a little but I never really had time to read them and when I did I was in the introduction and that part is kind of boring and really really slow. So sadly I gave up. But then it was time for summer break! I was at a garage sale and they lady running the sale was selling the WHOLE series for 5 bucks. My mom bought them and I started reading the books right away. For some reason they seemed different than when I tried reading them in the school year. Probably because I had more time. I probably finished them in like 2 months. I read really slow.

     The reason I love the book " Thirteen Reasons why '' is because it is a really jaw dropping story. It talks about a boy who has gotten tapes in the mail and they are from his friend. The weird thing is that she is dead. She committed suicide. This tells how the main character goes all around the city, going to the places where things happened to his friend that made her kill herself. It talks about the cool kids, backstabbers, illegal things, peeping toms, and love. In this book by Jay Asher, you will be blown away.
                   - Isabela Jaimes

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