Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TKAM: Photo Analysis

On The Road Near Eutaw, Alabama

          When analyzing this photo I noticed that there were 2  ladies walking. I noticed that there was a lot of tall grass or possibly wheat with some trees or houses in the background. I saw that the ladies were barefoot and looked as if they were tired. One of them was wearing a towel over her head to most likely keep the sun out of her face. I saw that there was some dirt roads and fences which most likely means that the ladies are either one, walking by the farm, two, going to work to the farm or three, leaving the farm.

     I think that this picture was taken to represent how far some people had to walk for their job. Also, how poor some people were. If someone were to take this picture now , you would see most likely Men talking on their cell phones either walking to their job or in a taxi in suites. However, it looks like the ladies are tired and stressed so if we were to see this in the modern day, you would see people with tired faces but still up straight talking on their phones.

     One question that I would like to be able to ask these 2 ladies or even the person who took the picture is, Where were they going and what were they going to do ?


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Go Ask Alice- week of 11.17.14

P.g 0 - 103
Prompt: If you were a close friend to the main character, what would you do or say to help the character through their problem? What is the one thing you would change from the past that would get rid of problem?

* Book is an anonymous diary of a drug addict and I don't officially know the name of the main character*

     If I were the friend of the main character, I think it would very difficult to do or say anything because of her addiction to drugs. I would probably have to be careful with what I do or say. I think the best thing would just be their for her. Their really isn't anything you can do other than go to an adult about their problem (sounded so cheesy.) I think I would try to spend as much time that I could w/h her so I could be w/h her instead of her trying to get high.

     I know that I definitely would have to be careful w/h what I say. I think that trying to say that she is putting me and her family in distress would be a bad idea because she would just lash out and say that her family is the main reason why she does drugs. Throughout the book, her family had been the reason that she started continuously doing drugs. I think I would try and something along the line of ,what she is doing to herself is harming her and her loved ones more than it is making her happy.

     The one thing that I would change to get rid of this problem is convince her to not go to Jill's house, a supposedly"close" friend. While there, she is introduced to drugs for the first time in her life and she wasn't even aware of it until she had consumed it. They were drinking Cokes at the party and
she started noticing that she was acting funny. She then asked Jill why she was feeling so strange. After asking Jill, she wrote, "I sort of asked Jill what happened and she said that 10 out of the 14 bottles of Coke had LSD in them."  She then started using more frequently.


Youtube Channel *Update*

    It's been over a month and a half since I started doing Passion Project. Gianna and I have successfully established both of our Youtube channels.( However, you can't see them because there are no videos in them) We have started pre-recording our videos. We only have two videos done for the fun channel. One by me and one by Gianna. Gianna's video is a vlog (video blog) of her being  in Minnesota for a weekend. My video was the TMI tag where I answered a bunch of questions. We still need to prerecord video w/h each other and for our serious channel. Although we haven't really discussed it, I want to start uploading videos around the New Year or earlier.

     We also h
ave resulted our problem for a camera. Gianna's father has multiple cameras that she and possibly I could use if he (Gianna's Father) can find it. If that is not possible, I will use a camera provided by the school. Mainly used by Ms.Aparicio.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wonder- Week of 11.10.14

P.g. 43
Prompt(s) - Analyze the impact word choice has on the meaning or tone of a text and analyze how dialogue or specific incidents reveal information about characters. Make sure to include textual evidence.

     One thing that I have noticed about my book, Wonder, is that word choice is kind of be very childish or serious but still is perfect for the mood because in the book, the main character is seen as kind of a child because of his facial deformity and people treat him as if he can't do anything even though he is going into 5th grade but he talks back as if he was someone who is normal. And in his eyes, he is. One time I have noticed this is when we August first find out that his parents want to send him to private school. When August's parent are explaining to him why one of them wants to send him to private school and the other one doesn't the dialogue is kind of childish towards August and when August talks back, he gets kind of childish also, as you can see, "So sending him off to Middle school like a lamb to the slaughter...," Dad answered angrily, but he didn't even finish his sentence because he saw me in the mirror looking up. "Whats a Lamb slaughter?' i asked sleepily. "Go back to sleep, Auggie," Dad said softly. "Everyone will stare at me at school,' I said suddenly crying." This is a perfect example of how word choice affects weaning and tone. The father saying, " A lamb to the slaughter." This gives tense and serious tone. Especially for August's father who doesn't want him to go to school. The author wanted to specify that he was angry about August's mother's idea of sending him to school. Not upset.

      After reading, I notices that one instance between August and a new boy that he meets named Julian, shows a little about Julian. Theres 2 times we see the "dark side" of Julian. The first one is when August is being shows around the school by a boy named Julien, Jack, and Charlotte. When they all go to show August the theater, Julian comes out and says, "Why is your hair so long?" and "Whats the deal w/h your face? I mean, were you in a fire or something?" This shows that Julian really doesn't think before he talks which could get him and August in some trouble. 

     Another instance that we see a hint about what Julian really is when all 4 of them are leaving the library and Julien "accidentally" trips August and says "oh sorry.." but August automatically knew he didn't mean it. This shows the true personality of Julian. IT proves that he now has something against August and is going to seek a hard and long year at his new school.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wonder-Week of 11/2/14

Prompt: Write a letter to you character 

     Dear August,
I don't want to lie to you. I know that everyone says that it gets better. To just ignore it. August, come one, we all know, for the most part, that isn't true. I know you had no control over what happened to you and that you have no control over what people think of you. but whether to accept or deny it is the main problem. Denying the problem wont make it go away. 

     I hear you're starting school soon. Great, However, it's definitely not going to get easier. People will stare. People with be mean. People will gossip. Who cares! It's just people who are bored with their anti-social lives. 

     The main point I am writing to you August is because I want you to not care about what people say. To accept it but not let if offend you. Why be upset with yourself if you're EXTRAORDINARY! Hope you do well August. 
                                           sincerely, Jack Will

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