Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Another Online book....

What made you want to read this story?

If you didn't read my last blog, I talked about how I read an online book. I again did it again. This one, Last Chances was a lot longer than the last. That didn't keep me from reading it for as long as I could. I took me around 2 weeks to read but it was so good. Before I get into the prom, let be kind of describe what it is about. Last Chances Is about a Girl named Abigail who is 18. She meets this new kid named Cameron at school who has a very bad past. Most of the story is Abigail trying to get Cameron to open up about his past and to trust her. However, in the middle, 2 of their friends get into a problem. Her friend is pregnant. We see Abigail and Cameron try to get their friends through the pregnancy and after. That is all I know right now. I'm still waiting ofr the author of the story to update. That's what kind of sucks about online books like this. :/

     Back to to prompt. There are 2 reasons on why I was attracted to this book right away. !, the description really gripped you and pulled you in. The exact description of the story was, "He's a troubled kid." "Stay away from him." "He's dangerous." I knew all these things, but I refused to accept these facts. I knew I could be hurt, but I saw a boy that needed to be loved. I would not give up on him like everyone else did. It's probably because I know how he feels." As you can see, its's quite gripping. Mysterious. I live for mystery and as soon as I read this, I knew i couldn't live until I read the story. And after reading it, I feel in love.

The second reason that I really wanted to read this story is because it wasn't your typical love story. The fact that Cameron was troubled and not your average jock was really cool. You needed to see if he opened up. If he was willing to let people know about his past.  The story overall is great. It's killing me waiting to see if the author is going to update. Hopefully, soon.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

AOW Impression - 2.20.15

     This weeks AOW Gallery walk was quite interesting. There was a variety of Topics but mostly revolving around ISIS. Explicitly, ISIS beheading 21 Christians in Egypt and getting bombed. However, there was also topics such as feminism, Russia and gay people, droughts, and more. It shocked me how much is going on in the world right now that I had no idea was going on.

     One topic in specific was ISIS and the killing of the 21 christians.  Around 5 people had and article surrounding that topic. That or the bombing of ISIS. The main problem however was that ISIS is spreading. That was the take away message. It's getting larger and bigger. Some of the measures that countries are taking is bombing ISIS like how they did in Lybia. The ISIS articles probably left the biggest impression on me because one, again, the were multiple articles on it but also because of the fact that ISIS is starting to affect Italy, One of our biggest and strongest allies. I feel like ISIS is starting to feel more real. If you understand what I mean. Like, they are making themselves more present and intimidating and it's kind of making me worry even though there is a whole sea in between me and them.

     The other topic that probably left the second largest impression on me was how some Russians deal with gay family members. On specific incident was when a son told his father that he was gay. The fathers reaction? He tried putting his son through an exorcism. He tried taking out a "demon" that was "making" his son gay. When that didn't change anything, he forced his son into rehab. What shocked me most was that it is now 2015 and yet people see being gay as such a horrible thing that affects them. It really doesn't. They are doing nothing to you. Let them love who and what they want.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Love, Sophia - 2.19.15 *Spoilers*

Link to story:

Prompt: Explain the story from start to finish and talk about how you felt about it.
Pages: Finished

     Before I continue, I would just like to say that  Love, Sophia was a story written online. Either way, I feel that the story was amazing!  I got hooked and I was able to finish it in 2 days. Throughout the story, we follow a girl names Sophia. She has moved in with her stepfather in Virginia. At her new school, she had no trouble fitting in. However, she noticed one kid that was singled out. He had been labeled as the school freak and is getting bullied quite severely. His name was Matt. Throughout the story, she tries, continually, befriending Matt but is always shot down and pushed away. We continually see Sophia writing in her journal but we really see no significance. After finally being accepted by Matt she feels a connection between them. One day, Matt disappears in towards the end of the school day.  She eventually find him in the back of the school getting beat by a group of guys that run away. Matt ends up going into a coma for a month and during the period, Sophia goes through a really hard time and continues to write in her journal.

     When Matt finally wakes up, Matt also starts feeling a connection between him and Sophia. After some time, Something happens to Matt with his Mom and his Dad who is quite dangerous. In the middle of the nightSophia goes to help him and she finds him in a state of distress and we find out his mother is missing and his father took her. After calming him down they finally reveal how the feel about each other and after finding Matts mother, she stays the night to make sure nothing happens. After going home, her stepfather says that she can no longer have any contact with Matt because she left with permission. After a month, Matt feels hurt and is angered and in pain. After confronting Sophia and not letting her explain her self, she snaps. She flees town and left  a not explaining everything to Matt. However, no one knows where she might've gone. When Matt looks through her journal, he sees a lot of short but sweet entries about him from before they were friends, during the Coma and before she left. Although we don't know where she went, he realizes how much she care and loved him. The story ends there and

     Like I said in the beginning, Love, Sophia was AMAZING! Although it was written by some random person, they were able to grasp my attention. One thing i especially loved about this story is how the author was able to incorporate the journal as something so small in the beginning but such a huge part with the name of the story and with helping Matt understanding everything. I also loved how she had Sophia push and push to befriend Matt. I think the story overall was also a good way to see how fast things can leave. And how some people can be pushed so far. Overall, an amazing piece.

Comments: Jenna, Sarai,  Citlalli

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Progress on My Passion Project

     Since my last update, Gianna and I have come farther than where we were but have been stuck. We have recorded 2 videos. One which is a TMI tag (a series of question to let our views know a little more about us.) And one which was going to go on our channel for school related videos. We are in the process of editing out our TMI tag.

     Me and Gianna have realized that making and editing just ONE video is taking a lot longer than we expected. We have to be together and editing can take a really long time. So we have decided to get rid of our second channel which was going to be school based. We are planning to continue doing the channel after we leave Heritage and doing those videos would be really difficult without a school setting. Our original plan was to do the videos based on problems we encounter during the year. Without either of those 2 things, it would be kind of weird and hard to make these videos during the year.

    Overall, I think that we have progressed and stayed in a spot. We are almost done with out first video! We are planning on doing a few videos over spring break. By that time, we are looking to have around 2-4 videos already up. We know that we need to pick up the pace and are working very hard on that. Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 6, 2015

If I Stay: Gayle Forman - Book Review

    The book the I will be reviewing this week is If I Stay by Gayle Forman. It is young-adult fiction. Throughout the book, we follow Mia Hall. After her and her family get into a car crash and she is the only one who barely survives, she is sent to a hospital and goes through an out of body experience. Throughout the day, we see Mia go through mourning for her family, flashbacks, and the decision of I she wants to die and be with her family but leave her boyfriend. Or stay with her boyfriend and friends but live a harder more painful life than she anticipated. Mia is a 17 year old girl. She has a boyfriend named Adam, and mom and a dad, a little brother named Teddy and her best friend, Kim. Mia is a very quiet girl and most of the time, she stays away from other people and is very quiet. She is musically gifted. She loves to play cello even though, most of the time, she feels out of place from her rockstar family and boyfriend. The main conflict of the story is Mia is trying to decide to stay alive or die. Both sides have pros and cons. During the story the mood is mostly serious and tense. So much is happening that there are very little happy or funny moments except for the flashbacks that Mia has with her family.

     I read this book because, at the time, the movie was coming out and it seemed interesting. So I started reading the book and fell in love with the story. Personally, I love serious stories and seeing this conflict play out was really cool. One part of the book I remember was when Mias boyfriend has a break down while sitting next to her. He started talking to her and how much he felt for her and how much he loved he. I just thought that that scene was so sweet but serious at the same time. Just the way that Gayle was able to out those 2 completely different moods was so cool. If you love serious or romance novels, I think this is a perfect book for you. The way that Gayle is able to make major twists and is amazing. Her description makes you picture whatever scene she is describing like you are witnessing it. However, she does beat around the bush a lot and leave a lot of cliff hangers throughout the story. If you are kind of an impatient reader, i wouldn't recommend this book. If not, you should definitely read this book.

Comments: Jacky D. Braden B. Keegan W. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

World Article Impression

Prompts:Today you were updated by your peers as to what is currently happening in the world.  Now take a moment to reflect upon your impressions of what you have learned from the array of articles in at least two well written paragraphs, using evidence from your graphic organizer.

     Friday was a pretty cool experience. From multiple Ebola articles to immigrants and the Holocaust to sports announcers, Isis, and the atmosphere. I realized that so much is happening in the world that I didn't know about. I noticed that things such as Ebola and ISIS are still relevant today. i remember, 3 a few months ago, that was all you heard. I think it was because then, it was new and a shock. However, now less and less people are being affected and everyone expected a vaccine. So, even though it's not getting the type of attention it got a few months ago, it is still relevant. There were 2 articles dealing with Ebola and I noticed how much has been done to deal with the problem.

Stuart Scott
     Also,  realized on how much is going on that I had no idea about. Remarkable people that were amazing such as Stuart Scott who had cancer but always went to his job as a sports announcer and stuck by his friends. Or how the earth is getting warmer and warmer because of the amount of CO2 in the air. Or how the UK is changing up their legal system to where men have to prove the they did not rape a woman. All these these things that are so surprising that are big. I feel that this activity really connected me closer to the world. So much happens that I might ov never known about. I honestly think we should do this again.


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