Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: Book Or Movie. Spoilers?

Prompt: Which do you prefer between the book and the movie? Are there any obvious difference?

     This week, I wanted to do something really similar to what we did with To Kill A  Mockingbird. Except with  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. has always been on of my favorite stories of all time. I think it's just because it't a very unique story that has many remakes like superhero's.  I mean, the thought of a girl being transported into another dimension by a tornado where there are talking scarecrows, a tin man, and a talking lion? Who wouldn't remember this story?

     Personally, I feel like the question on if the movie or book was better is very controversial. I think it all depends on the way they execute the movie. When a movie isn't executed the way that a person imagined it, they m
ost likely will prefer the book because they can interpret the story however they want. For me, I enjoyed the movie better. I have always been a visual person. I enjoy a story when I can see it put into action instead of as text on a piece of paper. Also, Judy Garland did an amazing job as Dorothy in the movie. R.I.P Judy. ðŸ‘ 

     Since the The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is my favorite story of all time, O of course read the book before. When I first read the book, I was so shocked on how much was taken out of the movie. Although I don't specifically remember a lot of the differences, I remember one specifically. That was the part about "The Dainty China Country." I remember reading that chapter and just thinking to myself, why would they leave this out? It's so creative and would make the movie so amazing. The Dainty China Country chapter was pretty much, Dorothy and her friends were on their way back form Oz. They had just discovered that Oz was a fake and he had just been sent on a hot-air balloon off to his version of a paradise. Dorothy and her friends encounter a small village of china people. For people who don't know what china is, it is a very delicate type of glass. Dorothy and her friends try interacting with the people and they welcome them in until Dorothy and her friends accidentally start literally breaking their town. All their building were shattering and breaking. All was fine and the people still welcomed Dorothy and their friends until their church was shattered and Dorothy and her friends were kicked out. After thinking, I realized why the director of the movie didn't put this scene in the movie. It really didn't affect the story or plot. If they put this in, it would of made it and even BETTER movie than what it already is but would make the movie longer than it needed to be.

Comments: Amelia, Citlalli, and Nik

Thursday, January 22, 2015

If I Should Die Before I wake: Han Nolan

Page- 15
Prompt- Describe the what you read and how would the main character be looked at in todays society.

     The main character, Hilary, is very angry person. The book takes place in WW2 and she is a follower of Hitler. Her and hey friends and boyfriend. So far, she has been in a motorcycle accident and she is critically injured and is a JEWISH hospital which she is furious about. From the very beginning, she is insulting this little jewish lady. Saying horrible crude things to her. However, it is just in her mind. For some odd reason she feels so much anger at the lady, especially because she is looking at her with understanding. The woman to Hilary.

     Also, Hilary has just woken up from a really unusual dream. At least for Hilary. She was a Jewish girl. Her and her friend were forced to where the star of David just like ever other Jewish person. On their way to school, they are stopped by 2 soldiers and take to possible hospital and are forced to clean with their tights instead of rags. Most of the people in the dream were random people but she did know her neighbor who was cleaning with her and when she saw her in the dream, she felt a little bit of comfort until a solider almost threatened to shoot her if she didn't stop talking. After cleaning, they are able to go home. When dream Hilary and her neighbor are running, she hears a lot of commotion in the town square and her dream dads yell. She immediately runs towards the soldiers who had out her father hanging on a tree by his clothes and she demanded them to stop. When they laughed in her face, she asked why they were doing this and they said that her father had went to lean on the tree because he was tired and could no longer work so they "helped" him out by putting him on the tree for everyone to see. She then said that she would do the work and in return, they take him down. They agree and take her over to her fathers place. As she is working she hears a gunshot go off and knows exactly who they shot and without knowing it, she is screaming in paint until she realizes it isn't her voice screaming and stops. Afterwards. she wakes up startled only to still see the little Jewish woman and continue to make fun of her.

     I feel that Hilary would not fit in good at all in todays society. Especially in America. In the book, she is in Germany so it was really common back then over there but then and now, we never thought that Jewish people were "children of satan" as stated in the book. We have also adapted to make people feel equal and to not discriminate. Not every single human being in America feels this way but most do so.She would most likely not be welcomed by most people because her opinions are so strong and sever that people may be scared by the person or scared they may start believing what they do. Now, I don't think that she would definitely be shooed away and have no one care about her but she would most likely be seen as an outcast.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Why Should We Have Different Versions of A Story?

     Before I start, I would like to state that I really wasn't that disappointed with the movie. It did a really good job of getting the story line across and even though it did not have a lot of scenes from the book. The scenes they picked from the book still got the storyline easily to the views without any confusion. But I do agree the writers should of put in some important scenes like where Boo gives Scout a blanket during the house fire.. Anyways, having multiple versions of a story are actually very helpful in understanding a book/story. Mainly because one, you get a picture of the environment the characters lived in. And secondly, you get to see how someone else or another group of people perceived a book and how they imagined it coming to life.

     When you read a book, you usually think about how something looks life in real life. How a certain character dressed. How the town our house they lived in looked like. When a book is turned into a movie, you get a real picture of how the characters and their surroundings looked like. A description of a character in a book only goes so far. It those small little things like knowing what a characters hair or face looks like that helps make the character feel more alive than just fake people.

     If you have 2 people read the same exact story, they both read the same words but they both perceived it differently. One might of pictured a character differently or a scene more casual than serious. It all depend on the reader. When you see a story come to life, it's kind of fun to notice how similar or different the readers and the writers perceived the book. You see what really went on in their minds when they were reading the book because they recreated it.

Comments: Athziry Sarai Leanna


Thursday, January 8, 2015

What Would Be The Theme Song For My Life ?

      The first thing I would like to say is, this is a super tough question. I don't think one song can represent a persons life. When I was deciding which song would represent my life, I was stuck between "Skyscraper" by Demi Lavato and "Show You" by Shawn Mendes. Skyscraper is pretty much a song about self confidence and how you can try and try to break someone and make their life horrible but they will get through it and stand tall like a skyscraper and prove you wrong. I really liked the message of the song but it has a negative/upsetting tune to it and I don't think my life is negative at all. I do have hard times but not enough to say my life is negative. This is why I decided to chose Show You by Shawn Mendes.     

     The Song "Show You" talks about how your not gonna live by anybodies rules that hold you back. That your gonna prove to everyone that you can accomplish something by yourself. No matter how long. The song states, "And I will walk this road ahead One hundred miles on my hands Do I need to show you?Guess I gotta show you" and then goes to say,"And if you don't believe me now I'll flip the whole world upside down
Do I need to show you? Guess I gotta show you." It shows how the singer wont give up. The singer is going to blow everyone aways. And that is exactly how I feel

     It's common for a person to want to do something when someone says you cant do it. You want that sense of freedom. You so badly want it that you try your hardest to show them what your capable of. You want to prove them wrong so badly you wont stop at anything until you finally win. I personally love that feeling of accomplishing something that someone thought I would never have the chance or will to do. Also, when your able to see how the people react, you have pride. They gain more respect for you and it makes you feel amazing. 

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