Thursday, October 31, 2013

If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince

prompt:Are the characters realistic (do they seem like they could be read people)? Why
or why not?

Pages read- 1-20

       Lucy Norton- Lucy Norton is a realistic type of charachter because she is kind of the kid that stands out. Since she is the new girl in town, she has no friends. She slso expects that people will just start being friends with her. She has two mean sibling. Every kid that has a sibling is always mmd at his/h er sibling at some point in his life because they are mean. This is the case of many many kids. Also she has a stepmother which makes her realistic.

     Jessica: Yes, Jessica is very realistic girl. She is the type of girl that you can find at almost every high school. She is "Little Miss Popular" She is that girl that is most of the time rood,mean,and snickers behind your  back. She is out for a boy and is out to now destroy Lucy fo getting a wink from Connor Pearson. The boy both Lucy and Jessica is out for. 

     Connor Pearson: Connor Pearson is a realistic character because he is the normal high school jock.He loves sports and is a letterman. He is the high school crush of every girl and is admired by Jessica and Lucy. One difference is that he is not rood and cocky. He is quite nice. With his friends he does not go under their influence. He is his own person and just want to have fun.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kill Alex Cross: Week of 10/21/13

Pages read:115-151
prompt:Differentiate between the main character and your favorite teacher.

      The main character of this book is Alex Cross. He is a very determined man. He's a cop and practically lives his job every second of every minute of every hour of every week. He is married to Bree. She is also a cop so she understands why her husband is always gone. Alex cros can get very agitated at time. My favorite teacher is Mr.Dillon on 6B. He is very funny,witty,and weird. His job is that he is the special Ed teacher. He is addicted to pugs. Whenever he can he will make a profile picture of a pug, buy a pug stuffed animal, or a poster, he lives for those things. He was good friend with Teresa Norris on 6B also.

     Some differences between Mr.Dillon and Alex Cross is their personality. Alex Cross is more serious and stressed. Mr.Dillion on the other and just wants to have fun. Another diference between Mr.Dillon and Alex cross is they have completely different likes. Mr.Dillon lives for pugs while Alex Cross lives for solving crimes. Another difference is that at Alex Crosses job, he has to be strong, brave, and hard. A Mr.Dillon's job, he can be out going. He doesn't have to deal with dead kids, kidnapped people,and the stress of crime. All he has to do is be with kids all day. I think that Mr.Dillon would agree wit me because he has been with kids for so long that it is kind of in his blood. He has grown to kids. He is probably to soft for it now. Like i'm being mean. It takes a while to get used to those types of things you have to deal with as a cop.

One major difference between Mr.Dillon and Alex Cross is their everyday schedule. Mr.Dillon has to get ready in the morning, Get to school, teach kids, eat lunch,teach again then go home. He is only there for only 7 hours to.Alex cross gets up at the crack of dawn, go to work, get orders, got place to place, talk to strangers, call people, squeeze in lunch, then redo the last four. He does this all day !!!  Mr.Dillon is only working for 7 hours. Alex cross work practically 24/7.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kill Alex Cross Week of 10/14/13

Prompt:Draw an interpretation of the passage – may be a picture, symbols, graphic
Pages read:83 p.g. - 115 p.g.
     This is a symbol of what I have just read. It is a question mark because there are so many mysteries. Are the presidents kids still alive? Is the water safe to drink? Why were the kids kidnapped? This is a symbol especially for this summary because all they are doing is answering these questions. Trying to crack the case.
     A question marke represents all types of books because there is always a problem in a book. Always. Would it be fun if you read a book where you smiled all day? No! That would be completely boring. What's the whole point? Questions represent mystery books because that is what a mystery is completely about. But usually there is a huge problem and most of the time it is about a crime. That is why Kill Alex Cross is a mystery. All you are doing is solving a case. A case of the missing kids and water/deaths.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kill Alex Cross: Week of 10/7/13

                             !!!!!Spoiler Alert in parts of paragraph 2!!!!!!!

pages read: p.g 62- p.g 83
Pompt:Do you like what you’re reading? Why or why not?

     Do I like what I am reading? Yes, I love my book! It is usually really hard for me to find a book I like. I used to hate mystery but i always thought of it like "Sherlock Holmes" book. He really bores me. I read one book and for some reason i couldn't realize that the genre was mystery. When my mom said it was a mystery book, I just thought to myself " I hate mystery, why would I read a mystery book?" I then realized that i love books about serious things like, and i know this is weird but I like these types of books, abduction, terrorism, suicide, death, etc. I like these mysteries because I love solving the story of how it happened and feeling like I am the one trying to crack the case.  Kill Alex Cross is a really good book for me to read because it has to do with terrorism & abduction.

     Alex Cross, the main character, is a really tough person to crack. He will not get of a case even if he is told. Since the presidents kids are missing, he is kept in the distance because the FBI, and the Secret Service want's the whole case around them. Even when he is told this he is stubborn in a good way. He stay on it anyway. Also this book has terrorists. When they enter the country they seemed like happy little tourists wanting to go see the White house and the Smithsonian. But no!  They are here to kill all of Washington DC. They are going to poison the water. That is one reason why I love this book so much. We get to see two major problems in the USA happen. A Kidnapping and a terrorist attack.

     The last reason I love this book is because of the cops in the case. They are just so cocky and stubborn. I mean they have missing children, Special children in fact,  and a terrorists and to show off they push away their help. sometimes i just want to yell at my book. "Why aren't you getting all the help you can get. Alex cross, on the other hand is not like this. He will be stubborn but because he is trying to crack a case. The FBI want's him on he case but kid of trickle him on the full class. He knows what they are doing and kids of takes matters into his own hands and does a little work on his own, but still stays with the FBI to get the most information at one time. Also you get kind of get a good look into a cops work day. They are sometimes just staring at reports and videos, and pictures without having the slightest idea.

     These are the reasons why I love this book.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The True Love's Fate 10/8/13

    When her lover turned and looked at her, and his eye met hours as she sat there, paler and whiter than anyone else in the vast ocean of anxious faces about her, he saw, by that power of quick perception which is  given to those who's souls are one, that she knew behind which door crouched the tiger , and behind which stood the lady. At that moment he starting mouthing " I love you''. the princess began to cry. The king bought on to this and in the very pit of his heart he felt some sympathy for his daughter and for a quick second thought of leaving that youth alive. But  NO! For this was not fare. He killed dozens of men that loved his daughter and he was not going to let one live by the kings chose! It was the man's choice. Death, or life. The princess had an ida. She begged her father to postpone the arena date for one more day. surprisingly the king said yes immediately. That night the princess went to go visit the maiden her father chose to be behind one door and pleaded with her . She offered jewels, clothes, even food. But nothing worked. But right when the princess was going to give up suddenly the maiden said one word. And one word only "Tiara". She said " I don't want jewels,food,or clothes. I want your Tiara. I hear you have 10!" The princess thought about this for a while, took a deep breath and finally said "fine here take this one, it is my least favorite one." The maiden was so pleased with the tiara she gave the princes the key. The day finally came of the princesse's lover to chose either the lady or the tiger. The king noticed his daughter was not by his side at the aren. He figured that she was in the washroom or in her quarters sobbing. The princess was intact in the washroom fixer her face up. She was finally going to have a husband if he whose the right door. Her lover was risen up into the arena and the princess stepped in to the right door. She could hear the hungry lion. Starved,vicious, angry. She could now hear dead silence. Her lover was going to pick any door any moment now.  He picked the left door! She automatically started to sob. But she stopped. She didn't here her lover screaming. No growling. She did though here the tiger trying to break free of the chain. Why was he tied up? Then she could here the king say that it was not fare for his daughter to lose her first and last true love. The king knew exactly what the princess was up to the whole time. He told her lover to go ahed and open up the right door. He did as he was told. Confused if there was an even more vicious animal behind the door. He opened it and cringed. But then her opened his eyes. He automatically ran up and kissed his new wife. They had a grand wedding. Flowers,friends,and lot's of flirting. The princess and her lover grew old with each other. The had three children and had five grand children. They both died in the same year of each other and will forever be in love.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Kill Alex Cross: Week Of 9/30/13

                                                     !!!!SPOILER ALERT ALERT!!!!

Pages read: 1-62

     This book is really exciting. this book takes place in Washington DC. The presidents children have either been kidnapped or an away. Also the water supply in washington is POISONED! Also there is a new family in town, that might have the intention of doing some terrorism! You should read this book because it is a fun,exciting,and jaw dropping book!

     So far in this book you have met  "Ethan & Zoe Coyle."(President's Kids) Also you have met the First Lady and the president, couple of main officers, Ray)possible suspect) and Dr.Hala and her husband Tariq. The book is very confusing thought.vYou have to be fully aware of what is happening. If not you can easily get lost in the words and have no idea of what you are reading.

Ethan and Zoe Coyle are the presidents kids and have either been kidnapped or have runaway. The officers find a van speeding down the highway and trace it down. Eventually the car comes to a stop. Not stop sign, light ,or person, it CRASHED. After checking the back of the van they find no kids anywhere. When they go to ask the driver, this is ray, they find out that he did all of this for $500.00. After two days with no luck, the president and the first lady come and talk to the police and even gives them their personal number! Dr.Hala and Tariq are Sudanese and are in America for a special reason. We don't know for terrorism yet but it looks like that. They recently have met up with a  "Spy" and was given a CD. We don't know that either. But what we do know is that if they need to , The Dossari's are able to escape the world if they need to with a "potassium cyanide" pill. Dr.Hala is a very skilled lady. She practically almost killed a young teenager after he almost mugged them.

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