Thursday, December 12, 2013

POE week of 12/8/13

prompt:List the reasons why another person should or should not read this.

     One reason why this book should be read is because of the history it gives you about Poe in the first couple pages. In the book, it reveals that his wife has died and he can see if someone has died in a certain room and can physically see it. This is the very beginning of the book, so this is a handful of information that won't reveal everything and make you annoyed that you know everything about hi life in one page. I was also pretty shocked by that and that is another reason that I think other should read this book.

       The second reason why I think that people should read POE is because of the suspense  In the third page, Poe and his brother are at a crime scene of a murder. Poe claims that the officers have looked over the man but not observed the man in a sense that the key detail like what he was wearing, or papers in pockets, or anything that can point out his residence,job,or any family. This is what draws you into this book. How Poe notices the tiniest of things make's you kind of smirk saying "Show off".

The last reason that you should read this book is because of the state Poe is in. In the book, it states that Poe is ill. Ill in the mind. He see's things that aren't true or have passed. People think that he is imagining but he is in a way see the past in a flashback. This may confuse a reader with a medical disease but Poe is special. These three reasons is why I think that every single personPOE
 in the world should read


  1. leanna

  2. Nice blog! Is this poetry? Or does itjust explain his life and some of his stories?


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