Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kill Alex Cross Week of 10/14/13

Prompt:Draw an interpretation of the passage – may be a picture, symbols, graphic
Pages read:83 p.g. - 115 p.g.
     This is a symbol of what I have just read. It is a question mark because there are so many mysteries. Are the presidents kids still alive? Is the water safe to drink? Why were the kids kidnapped? This is a symbol especially for this summary because all they are doing is answering these questions. Trying to crack the case.
     A question marke represents all types of books because there is always a problem in a book. Always. Would it be fun if you read a book where you smiled all day? No! That would be completely boring. What's the whole point? Questions represent mystery books because that is what a mystery is completely about. But usually there is a huge problem and most of the time it is about a crime. That is why Kill Alex Cross is a mystery. All you are doing is solving a case. A case of the missing kids and water/deaths.


1 comment:

  1. Isabella,
    Your blog post this week was very interesting! I like how you described the questions that were being asked, and why you felt your picture represents your story, and mysteries in general. Though, I do have one critique. Maybe next time that you draw a picture, you can draw something else that may represent the story as well. I say this because just question marks, are a bit boring, and I know you can make it a tiny bit more creative. Overall, I like your blog post, and your book sounds very interesting, and I would love to read it!


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