Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Giver week of 11/17/13

Draw an interpretation of the passage – may be a picture, symbols, graphic
pages read: 0-58

This is a picture of the number 12. I drew this because in the book  "The Giver"  number 12 isa  very important number. Twelves years of age in the Giver represents adulthood. Also this is where they get there life long job. People before the age of twelve go throughout smaller ceremonies like ceremony of nine. This is where kids get there first bike. Or like the ceremony of 10. in the ceremony of 10, kids get all of their have cut off so kids can get used to being grown up and look like an adult.

Also this is the age of when kids start getting there"stirrings" also know as PUBERTY. yes puberty. This is very important because when the stirrings start, they give kids a special pill to make them go away from feeling,dreams,or thoughts. Kids are not of though of as kids when they reach age 12. They are officially an adult, but they still go to school? This is the way it is I guess.


  1. citlallie, Maria, and Nadrien

  2. Isabella,
    Great job with your blog this week! I really liked your interpretation of the passage, it really goes with the whole theme that 12 as the big number where you start forming into an adult! After reading this, I just was wondering what your favorite age ceremony is? You talked mainly about the ceremony of 12 because it went with your drawing, but I just wonder what your favorite ceremony might be! Overall great blog this week, but again, try to be a bit more cautious about spelling, and grammar.

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog post this week, I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it! I was wondering what job you would like to have if you were in the community.


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