Friday, May 1, 2015

Talking about Death

Prompt:Based on the 6 Tuesdays you have read about in Tuesdays with Morrie, choose which topic (The World, Feeling Sorry For Yourself, Regrets, Death, Family, or Emotions) that has had the most impact on you or inspired you. On your blog discuss the importance of this topic with your own opinions, including textual evidence (direct quotes) from the book. 

    The one tuesday that has the biggest impact on me is the tuesday Morrie and Mitch talk about death and the tuesday they talk about the fear of aging. From a young age, I had always been really scared of dying. The fact that one day I will never walk, talk, think, breathe terrified me. From like the age of 8, I would sometimes cry over the fact of death and the fact that I will never be as young. That one day, I will have a family and not a child anymore. Although I am not excited to grow up, then, I despised it and wanted to be young forever. 

     The Tuesday about Death really impacted my view on death. When Morrie said, " Everyone knows they're going to die but nobody believes it. If we dod, we would do things differently." I took this that people live their lives knowing that they are going to die but they don't think it will really happen because a lot of people waste time doing things that in the long run won't make them believe they had a good life. It made me realize that I spend so much time watching Tv or on the computer when I could be out making memories and having fun.

      The tuesday about the fear of aging also really impacted me because like I said, I used to get really emotional at the fact that I am going to get old and not be able to do so many things. However, after when Morrie said that he is every single age because he was each age once, there is no reason to wish to be young again because we were an still are 5 or 8.

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