Friday, September 26, 2014

The Giver- Vlog


  1. Bela,
    I liked your blog for this week! I agree with you when you when you say "By 8th graders we have already been exposed to this material". I agree with you because by now we have all watched T.V shows or movies that have to do with the material that you listed. I learned that The Giver is challenged. I didn't read this book last year and I found out what is was about and why it was being challenged. Thank you! Grat job!

    - Gianna Finnigan

  2. Bela, you made some really good points. "The Giver" really shouldn't be banned for being so violent because honestly, at this age, we all really have been exposed to so many cruel things that "The Giver" is nothing in comparison. The information in your blog helps the listener realize just how much violence we see in normal life, but then freak out when just a tiny bit is shown in a book.

  3. Nadrien Isabelle B


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