Thursday, January 15, 2015

Why Should We Have Different Versions of A Story?

     Before I start, I would like to state that I really wasn't that disappointed with the movie. It did a really good job of getting the story line across and even though it did not have a lot of scenes from the book. The scenes they picked from the book still got the storyline easily to the views without any confusion. But I do agree the writers should of put in some important scenes like where Boo gives Scout a blanket during the house fire.. Anyways, having multiple versions of a story are actually very helpful in understanding a book/story. Mainly because one, you get a picture of the environment the characters lived in. And secondly, you get to see how someone else or another group of people perceived a book and how they imagined it coming to life.

     When you read a book, you usually think about how something looks life in real life. How a certain character dressed. How the town our house they lived in looked like. When a book is turned into a movie, you get a real picture of how the characters and their surroundings looked like. A description of a character in a book only goes so far. It those small little things like knowing what a characters hair or face looks like that helps make the character feel more alive than just fake people.

     If you have 2 people read the same exact story, they both read the same words but they both perceived it differently. One might of pictured a character differently or a scene more casual than serious. It all depend on the reader. When you see a story come to life, it's kind of fun to notice how similar or different the readers and the writers perceived the book. You see what really went on in their minds when they were reading the book because they recreated it.

Comments: Athziry Sarai Leanna



  1. I commented on Athziry's, Sarai's, and Leanna's blog. 📖

  2. I really liked how you named the title of the blog, it really caught my attention. It was also really interesting to read your opinions. But what really stood out was when you said, "If you have 2 people read the same exact story, they both read the same words but they both perceived it differently. " That too me was a real eye opener, and I actually never thought of it that way. Overall great job!

  3. Bela, I really liked your opinion of the prompt. I was kind of disappointed with the movie, but that's just me!


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