Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Shnifs

The Shinfs

The shnifs
The most delicate thing ever
Would they harm a fly, Never!
They are the pets of fairies
The friends of cogs

The stars of nature
The friends of all
cloves,bugdinks,gks,and more
All they do is care for the poor

They care for the sick
Want one?Order it with one click
Shnifs are hipgy,jimpy,kimpy,stithy
The gentle one,the kind ones
They eat pinkle-purple-pears & apple-across-angles

They sleep at night, and live during the day
They are full of joy
full of curiosity
All they want to do is play and explore

These are the sounds the Shnifs would never do
They have innocence
They have love
They are as quiet as a dove

Shnifs- A a monkey like creature with big ears
Cogs-Dog/cat animal
cloves-A bigger version of a dove
Gks-miniature ants
Kimpy-same thing as beautiful
stithy-sneaky or curious
Pinkle-purple-pears-Perple pears that are pointy
Apple-acrost-angles-square shaped apples

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