Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Q: Where would you go?
A: I would go to Germany.
Q:To which year or period would you travel?
A: I would go to 1935.
Q: Who would you want to meet or what event would you want to witness?
A: I would wan't to see Anne Frank and witness WW2 as it happened.
Q: Where would you find this person or see this event?
A: I would see Anne at her house in Frankfurt Weimar, Germany.
Q: Why would you want to meet this person or witness this event?
A: I would like to see this person so I could get a real life insight of 
WW2 and the holocaust.  
Also I would go and see Anne Frank because she was a very notable 
person who had a big impact on the world just because of her diary's. 
Q: How might YOU change history?
Anne Frank
A:  I think that I could change history by telling Anne, Give me your diary's. I would tell her they would show people the truth. How horrible it is living in hiding. Starving. I would tell her that these diary's could possibly let her live. I would take them to a place that makes books and show them to them. Maybe get her diary's into books then. If that wouldn't work, I would go out and show people  my self. Show them the truth about Hitler and how he wasn't all that great.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really cool how you would want to witness what it was really like for those suffering in the Holocaust. I don't understand how you would show people her diary because people already find about her diary anyway so that's a bit redundant. Great blog.


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