Friday, October 17, 2014

What Have I Learned About the World?- 10/17/14

Number of AOW's This Year- 5
How Much I have learned?- A Lot!

The Ebola Virus
     The world has some scary things in it.How are people supposed to be calm when there is a virus attacking every living things it can get to. How are we supposed to be happy when there is a terrorist group that could possibly kill a great potion of us at any given time. How are we supposed to have a relaxing weekend when there are people around the world being quarantined, killed, not getting an education! The answer is ... there is no answer. I have learned so many things this year that have given me the shivers. But, I think it's how we receive the information. If we find out that something horrible has happened when in a calm environment, you perceive it as a problem that can be handled. However, if we receive it during lots of commotion and panic, you perceive it as horrible and the end of humanity. (exaggeration) 

     When I first started doing AOW's this year, I thought that most of them would be happy and wonderful topics such as homelessness and death rates going down. But no. I learned about Ebola and Death row. Ebola is a deadly disease that has been killing thousands in West Africa and slowly making it's way to haunt America. From the very beginning I knew that eventually America would be affected. We have had cases in Ohio & Texas. Hospitals getting ready to treat Ebola in New York, Wisconsin, and Chicago for what could be, and epidemic. I guess that if you think of it, it's kind of amazing how people risking their lives for people that they don't even know. Also, Death Row was something that I sort of already knew about. Death row is the term used for people that have committed a crime so horrible or so big that they are killed for it. We learned that  120 people out of 3,000 people that are found "Guilty" are being killed because of false accusations. I told you the world is full of scary things.

This Year, ISIS has been brought to my attention. ISIS is a terrorist group that has been terrorizing parts of the Middle East. Places such as Pakistan and Iraq have been victims of ISIS and I learned that the Leader of it was let out of a heavily guarded prison and when walking out, he made remarks about seeing them in America again. Also, ISIS has been tweeting horrible messages such as "We are here #America near our #target :) sooooooooooooooon" and "A message from ISIS to US We are in your state, We are in your cities and We are in your streets." Followed by a picture of ISIS flag in front of the White House. When I first heard of this, I was mortified. What if they do attack. but then I realized, what if these people are wannabes. They just want attention. You can never really know. This first quarter has shacked me up sometimes but they can always be a little good in the bad like with the doctors and Ebola.
ISIS's Flag

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